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Making Silicone Mould Candles

Making Silicone Mould Candles

Making candles out of moulds is easy but is also quite different to candles in jars. There are a few little tips and tricks required to perfect your candle moulds. By following these instructions, you'll be on your way to making the perfect candle moulds.

What You Need

Picking the Right Wax

You need to make sure the wax you are using is designed to be used in silicone moulds. If your wax is too soft, your candle will break while you're trying to get it out of the mould and will not hold its shape.

Do not use a 100% Soy Wax, as this wax is too soft. You'll require a wax which is designed for pillar candles. This is usually called a pillar blend or mould wax. Usually, these have different additives to the soy to make it stronger.

We have successfully used our CocoSoy Wax in the silicone moulds without fragrance which would have made the wax softer. We also mixed together 25% Bees Wax and 75% CocoSoy Wax with 8% fragrance loading and still held its shape really well. The CocoSoy was made stronger with the bees wax and easier to get out of the moulds. Either are good options to begin working with moulds but as always, testing is required.


Step 1: Preparing the Mould

Firstly, you'll need to wick the mould. Remember, your mould will be inverted so the opening of the mould will be the bottom of the candle and the inside of the mould will be the top. Find the centre of your mould and using a tapestry wick thread the wick through the hole, making sure you have enough for the top of your candle. You'll then secure your wick in place. We use a spare stickum at the top and then cover it again with tape.

Once the top of your wick is in place, you'll then need to secure the bottom of your wick to also be in the centre of your mould. You can do this with the wooden wick holders.

The last step to preparing the mould is to make sure that when wax is poured into it, the shape won't be skewed by the weight of the wax. We use books to support the moulds but glasses should also work, depending on the size of your mould.


Step 2: Measure the Wax

Measure out the amount of wax you’ll need based on the size of your candle moulds. Measure out the required fragrance in the measuring cup using the scales to weigh the fragrance. Fragrance quantity depends on wax being used and personal choice of fragrance loading. Testing is advised.


Step 3: Preparing the Wax

As per your manufacturers instructions, melt the wax in either your wax melter or double boiler until it has reached temperature. Pull it off the heat and add your colour (if using) and your fragrance oil (if using). Remember, getting the perfect colour will take testing. Stir slowly together for two minutes. Allow the wax to sit until it has reached its pouring temperature. 


Step 4: Pouring the Wax

Pour the wax into the prepared mould. Slowly pour until the mould has been filled up. Move the wick back into place if it has moved off centre. Allow to set in a cool dry place, out of the way of direct air conditioning or drafts. 


Step 5: Removing from the mould

Wait 24 hours before attempting the remove the candle from the mould. This is to ensure the candle has properly set and will avoid any chance of the wax breaking when being removed from the mould.

Pull at the side of the silicone mould to help loosen the wax from the edge and work your way down until the candle has been removed from the mould.

If your mould is required to be cut out, it must be in a zig zag pattern down the side of the mould otherwise you won't be able to use your mould again. The next time you use it, simply secure it with a few rubber bands.


Step 6: Curing

Allow them to cure for a week before burning. Make sure to burn your candle moulds on a tray or dish to avoid any furniture getting hot wax on them. 

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